Spindustry Earns Platinum Hermes Creative Award for Product Launch

The Hermes Creative Awards recently honored winners of the 2017 international awards competition. Spindustry was a Platinum Winner for Product Launch for a product called Muddy Paws Pack.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Hermes Creative Awards recently honored winners of the 2017 international awards competition. Spindustry was a Platinum Winner for Product Launch for a product called Muddy Paws Pack. 

Hermes Platinum Award for Muddy Paws Product Launch

Hermes Creative Awards is an international competition for creative professionals involved in the concept, design and writing of traditional and emerging media. The Platinum Award is given to those judged to be the most outstanding in the competition, recognized for excellence in quality, creativity and resourcefulness.

Michael Bird, CEO of Spindustry, said, “While digital certainly makes it possible to reach a broader audience for a new product launch, there’s a lot of other noise that competes for that audience’s attention. Smart, thoughtful creative partnered with a strategic and unique rollout plan is how we help clients successfully launch new products into the market each year.”

“We are honored that our work is recognized by an international organization of marketing and design professionals,” Bird said of the award.

View award winners at www.hermesawards.com.

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