Custom Web Application Development

Deliver an exception experience to your website visitors that keeps them coming back.

For nearly a quarter century, our clients have turned to Spindustry for high quality application design, development and hosting. Our team has built thousands of web-based applications ranging from Fortune 100 corporate and consumer websites to modest, single purpose landing pages.

Back when the Internet became a legitimate business tool, many web development firms were created by graphic designers, who had the creative skills to make content look good. Our approach to serving our clients has always been rooted in effective information management and efficient display. We have exceptional skills in technical analysis, database structure and API integration. Of course, we quickly added technical design experts who understand how to present information to online visitors in a most intuitive way.

  • Public Websites
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web-Based Applications
  • Enterprise-Class Hosting Solutions

Public Websites
Our team has extensive experience designing and building responsive, compliant enterprise websites that showcase content in an intuitive manner. Authorized client staff can manage website content through our sophisticated GlobalAdminTM Content Management System that includes wide ranging editing and reporting capabilities. We are well versed with ADA, HIPAA, GDPR and CCPA requirements and can share recommendations to help keep your organization within the boundaries of these laws.

Here is a list of the kinds of web applications our team has experience creating:

  • Public websites
  • E-Commerce systems
  • Intranets
  • Portals
  • Print-on-Demand systems
  • Facilities Maintenance systems
  • Risk Management systems
  • Task Scheduling systems
  • Experiential Event systems
  • Incident Reporting systems
  • Online company university (training/certification) systems

Public Website Examples:

Experiential Event Systems
To introduce new products, large national brands often turn to experiential events, commonly known as "field events." These events involve a team of brand ambassadors who provide samples, coupons and collect survey data for a specific product in an interactive environment at major sporting events, populated areas (like Times Square) and shopping malls and department stores. Spindustry has become well known for creating highly customizable Experiential Event software platforms that enable the brands, themselves, or their event agencies to better manage and track ambassadors' schedules, event assets and comprehensive event recap and program reporting. If you have responsibility for overseeing an Experiential marketing campaign or a field team event program, we invite you to reach out to learn more about how we make these events better and more successful.

Mobile Applications
For those organizations that have a specific reason to build a mobile application rather than a responsive website, we offer mobile application design and development services. Typically, our work in this area is based on proprietary services offered by our clients to their customers who do not have limited or no Internet connectivity.

Public Mobile Web Application Examples:

Web Site Hosting
Our technical support team oversees the hosting of hundreds of web applications. This includes managing server performance, domain names, SSL certificates and ongoing server updates.

Our hosting services are split into two primary areas—shared hosting and dedicated hosting. We can assist your organization to determine what hosting solutions makes sense for your specific situation. Unlike other hosting services, where all you have is an 800-phone number, at Spindustry you have people who know your business and will help you with any questions you may have.

Development Technologies
Spindustry is a Microsoft-centric practice. Long ago we realized it wasn't possible to be experts in multiple platforms. That decision has worked out well for our business and our clients. We know how to build applications that work. Often, organizations reach out to us to fix their web application issues. It's amazing to us how many "web development teams" get in way over their heads. When you're talking mission-critical, rather than choose the cheapest option, turn to the best. You'll get a desired web application launched on-time and in a manner that you're proud to share to your constituents.

Here are examples of our typical application development technologies:

  • ASP.NET/MVC (C#)
  • SQL Server
  • SOLR
  • Lucene
  • SharePoint

To learn more, check out our many complimentary webinars

If you're looking to build a new website or web application that your constituents rave about, let's talk

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